Gay Landstrom

Gay Landstrom began her nursing career with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing program with Rush University in Chicago, Illinois. After working 3 years as a staff and charge nurse in Pediatric Oncology and motivated by a love of empowerment models for nursing, she pursued her Master's degree in Nursing Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Gay went on to lead an oncology unit, and served as a Director of Nursing, Case Management and Nursing Education, heavily focusing on nursing shared leadership and continual improvement of patient care.

While serving as a Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer in two different hospitals within a healthcare system, Gay began to participate in nursing leadership within her region and state, influencing united responses to the developing nursing shortage, educational development of nurses and health policy issues. She co-founded the Western Michigan Nursing Advisory Council, a group uniting service leaders and academic leaders of nursing, advising on all health policy and resource issues in the region. Gay also served as President of the Michigan Organization of Nurse Executives and as a charter member of Michigan's first Center for Nursing, addressing statewide needs and issues.

Recognizing that she had a growing desire to learn and conduct needed nursing research, Gay stepped down from her role as Chief Nursing Officer in 2006, accepting a role of Internal Nursing Practice Consultant in her healthcare system and enrolled in the Nursing PhD program as a full time student at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Gay's areas of concentration include Nursing Systems and Bio-Behavioral Nursing and her areas of research interest focus on individual change in self-concept of the nursing role, implementation of evidence-based practice, missed nursing care, and the outcomes of nursing care.

Gay's plans for the future, following completion of her dissertation, include continuing to conduct nursing research, educating future nursing educators and leaders, and utilizing her leadership skills and experience to advance nursing in the service and/or academic sectors.

Gay is a wife and mother of three children, ages 8-17 years, and in her spare time enjoys activities with her church and playing the flute with various groups.


Emily Gray

(2021-2022 Winner)

Emily Gray is the honored recipient of the Barbara L. Tate 2021-2022 scholarship. Emily received her undergraduate BSN degree from Azusa Pacific University. She is now in her second year in the Dual Acute and P... read more.

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