PHOTO: Larissa Gregory

Larissa Gregory

Larissa Gregory, the recipient of the Estelle Massey Osborne Scholarship is so thankful for the opportunity to receive this scholarship. She began her nursing education at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Nursing and graduated with a BSN in 2019. Soon after graduation, she became a pediatric acute care RN at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU. As a pediatric acute care RN, Larissa cared for patients undergoing surgery, chemotherapy treatments, end of life patients, patients with congenital and acquired heart disease, and patients receiving transplants. She is very passionate about pediatrics because she was once a pediatric patient in the same hospital where she now works. Working as a RN for almost 4 years, she has become a nursing mentor, a blood transfusion safety committee leader, and been involved in the patient education committee on the unit. Although policies and procedures have changed since she was admitted to VCU, when she is caring for her patients, she continually relies on current clinical based practice, thoughtfulness, devotion, and empathy, all the qualities that exemplify being a competent pediatric nurse.

Pediatric nurses care for the family as a unit, with a focus and expertise in child friendly but family focused compassionate care. Larissa became so passionate about pediatrics that she decided to return to University of Virginia School of Nursing, to obtain a master’s as a Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. At VCU she can expand her knowledge beyond bedside nursing into the role of a pediatric advanced practice nurse. The VCU PACNP Program was her first choice because she wanted the opportunity to manage and plan care for children during procedures, inpatient admission, and management of acute disease processes. She has a specific interest in neurology and hematology/oncology because these patients present with medical complexities that require team collaboration and involvement.

Receiving this scholarship is very important to Larissa and she is very appreciative because the Estelle Massey Osborne Scholarship allows her the opportunity to fund her education, books, and supplies during the road to obtaining this degree. This scholarship presents her with the opportunity to focus on studies and clinical experiences spend less time confronting the financial burdens associated with continuing education.

After obtaining this degree, Ms. Gregory plans on becoming a pediatric nurse practitioner in the setting of either neurology or oncology. She would like to apply her unique perspective as a prior pediatric patient to the encounters that she will have as a provider to pediatric patients undergoing treatment. As a nurse, she focuses on providing comprehensive complex care, quality communication, thorough patient education, and understanding of the full family unit during their time of need. These principles will guide her as an advanced practice nurse and enhance the quality of care she provides to her patients and their families.

She is thankful to Nurses Educational Funds for considering her and providing her with this opportunity.


Anna Alder

(2022-2023 Winner)

Anna M. Alder, MS, RN, PCCN, CCRN, NPD-BC is the honored recipient of the Margaret Gould Tyson Scholarship. Anna earned her Associate of Science in Nursing in 2008 and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2009... read more.

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