Melissa Kurtz

Melissa Kurtz, winner of the Isabel Hampton Robb Scholarship, attends Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in Baltimore. She earned her masters of nursing and masters of religion degrees from Yale University after getting her BSN at the University of Florida. Her current studies are inspired by her ongoing clinical work in neonatal intensive care as well as her time as a bioethics fellow and clinical ethics consultant in the Bronx where she worked with patients, families and clinicians to resolve morally complex health care issues. Her research focuses on the decision-making processes of parents with critically ill children and explores how parents’ spirituality and religious beliefs affect their functioning in the health care environment.  Melissa enjoys writing and teaching and is dedicated to providing nurses with the knowledge and skills they need to provide ethical care to patients and their families.


Brianna Singleton

(2018-2019 Winner)

Brianna Singleton is the 2018 recipient of the M. Elizabeth Carnegie African American Scholarship. She is currently enrolled at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) as a second-year student in the... read more.

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