This year the American Journal of Nursing under the leadership of the AJN Editor in Chief, Maureen “Shawn” Kennedy has renamed the American Journal of Nursing Scholarship annually distributed by Nurses Educational Funds, Inc. as the AJN/Thelma Schorr Scholarship in honor of Thelma Schorr, longtime board member of NEF. Thelma spent forty years at the American Journal of Nursing (AJN) company, progressing from editorial assistant to editor-in-chief, and then ten years as president and publisher. She was named a Living Legend by the American Academy of Nursing and she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from ANA as well as being named Outstanding American Jewish Nurse by Hadassah and being the recipient of three honorary doctorates and many other honors. NEF is honored to have Thelma as a current board member and she continues to be a role model for nurse leaders
(2015-2016 Winner)
The M. Elizabeth Carnegie African American Memorial Scholarship recipient, obtained her BSN from Purdue University and MSN from the University of Cincinnati. Arica has worked in both the public and private sect... read more.
NEF’s only purpose is to provide nursing scholarship assistance to make graduate level nursing education possible. NEF is the largest, single, private, professionally endorsed source of funds for advanced nursing study with over one hundred years of service to and for professional nursing.
NEF’s Board of Directors is comprised of leaders from nursing, education, technology, and business communities. Members donate their time and talent to the advancement of the nursing profession. NEF operates with exceptionally low overhead. NEF employs only one individual who serves in several capacities. NEF is a non-profit organization with 501(c) status; thus, your contributions are fully tax-deductible.