The Johnson & Johnson and Edwidge Thomas Health Equity Scholarship
The Johnson & Johnson Edwidge Thomas Health Equity Scholarship criteria include the following:
- Scholarships to be distributed in 2024, will provide $10,000 scholarships, to exceptional doctoral students enrolled in a doctoral nursing program from any or all of these underrepresented groups: American Indian/Native American/Pacific Islander, Black/African Ancestry, Hispanic/Latinx Black, or self-identifying as more than one race from any of the above combination of races, who may also self-identify as LGBTQIA with financial hardship related from being a veteran, single parent, resident of unstable housing, victim of intimate partner violence, disability, or recovered from substance abuse disorder, in pursuit of a doctoral in Nursing with the overall goal of improving patient care and outcomes through the delivery of patient-centered, culturally sensitive and appropriate, high-quality care as well as positioning and preparing these candidates to successfully transition into a Nursing leadership role while increasing the number of underrepresented Nurses in leadership in clinical care, academia, hospital administration, research, professional associations, governmental agencies, and other healthcare sectors.
- Scholarships to be distributed in 2024, will provide $5,000 scholarships to nurses enrolled in a master's nursing program from any or all of these underrepresented groups: American Indian/Native American/Pacific Islander, Black/African Ancestry, Hispanic/Latinx Black, or self-identify as more than one race from any of the above combination of races, who may also self-identify as LGBTQIA with financial hardship related from being a veteran, single parent, resident of unstable housing, victim of intimate partner violence, disability, or recovered from substance abuse disorder, including candidates who may demonstrate great potential but not necessarily the highest achievers among their peers, in pursuit of a Master's degree in Nursing. The overall goal is to improve patient care and outcomes through the delivery of patient-centered, culturally sensitive, and appropriate, high-quality care as well as positioning and preparing these candidates to successfully transition into a Nursing leadership role while increasing the number of underrepresented Nurses in leadership in clinical care, academia, hospital administration, research, professional associations, governmental agencies, and other healthcare sectors.