PHOTO: Alexa Hartnett

Alexa Hartnett

Alexa Hartnett is a senior doctoral student at The University of South Florida College of Nursing, studying for her Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Nurse Anesthesiology degree. Before her graduate studies, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from The University of Florida (Go Gators!) As a nurse she worked as a pediatric and adult Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Nurse at the UF Health Congenital Heart Center in Gainesville, FL. Her years as an intensive care unit nurse exposed her to the amazing world of nurse anesthesiology, and she couldn’t be more grateful for her position in this program and this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pursue her dreams of becoming a Nurse Anesthesiologist. Caring for patients with precision, compassion, and autonomy in the congenital heart ICU inspired her to pursue a career as a Nurse Anesthesiologist where she will guide patients through the perioperative period with compassion and freedom from pain. She knows she has found her purpose in life with nurse anesthesia, and she is so thankful for those who have mentored, encouraged, and supported her along the way. She believes that generosity from organizations like Nurses Educational Fund has made her experience possible!

As a senior student, she is fully immersed in taking both foundational anesthesia courses as well as taking part in clinical residency training. She is passionate about advocating for the nurse anesthesiology profession. As Vice President of her class, she has planned their annual nurse anesthesiology career fair and spent time advocating for her profession in the Florida state capital. Outside of clinical training, she is also working on a pediatric anesthesia quality improvement project to help decrease postoperative pain, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting in vulnerable populations.

Her rigorous schedule makes it impossible to work a full-time nursing schedule as she used to, and financial stress has been very real during this program. This scholarship is life-changing, as it will allow her to focus solely on learning to become a brilliant nurse anesthesiologist instead of working or balancing side jobs to make ends meet. She can now focus on her studies.

Alexa wants to thank NEF and express her sincere gratitude for the generous Nurses Educational Fund Scholarship. She is overwhelmed with happiness and appreciation for being the recipient of a NEF scholarship.

Nurses Educational Funds generosity has inspired her to also give back to the community after graduation, and she hopes one day she can help future nurses achieve their dream of becoming a Nurse Anesthesiologist!


Sirena Hughes

(2012-2013 Winner)

Sirena Hughes, NSNA winner, is currently enrolled in the Nurse Anesthesia program at Villanova University. After getting her BSN she worked in a Pediatrics Intensive Care unit at Milton S. Hershey Medical Cente... read more.

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