PHOTO: Andrew Corley

Andrew Corley

Andrew Corley, awarded the Isabel McIsaac Memorial Scholarship, is studying to receive a joint degree of Master of Science in Nursing and Master of Public Health (MSN/MPH) from Johns Hopkins University’s Schools of Nursing and Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland. Beyond his role as a student, Andrew is also a full time nurse in Johns Hopkins Hospital’s Cardiovascular Surgical Intensive Care Unit.

After earning a degree in International Business from Texas Tech University in 2006 and working for a time in energy exploration and financing in Dallas, Andrew decided to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Benin, West Africa. While serving primarily as a small enterprise development consultant during his two years in West Africa, he also became involved in several HIV/AIDs, malaria, and other infectious diseases prevention initiatives. He soon came to understand the importance of healthcare access and its connection to economic development. He also came to appreciate the important role that nurses play in the care of both individuals and communities. In response to this experience Andrew returned to school to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Nursing in 2013. Since then Andrew has written and published on a number of healthcare issues facing low and middle-income countries in Africa. After graduating he hopes to begin working in neglected tropical disease treatment and prevention efforts in sub-Saharan Africa.


Stephanie Chmielewski

(2022-2023 Winner)

Stephanie Chmielewski, MSN, MSCJ, RN, PCCN, HNB-BC, is the gracious recipient of the 2022 American Journal of Nursing/Thelma Schorr Scholarship. “The awardee exemplifies a nursing leader who plans to exercise t... read more.

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