Catherine Lamb

Growing up, I remember considering an array of options for what I wanted to be when I grew up. I think the longest lasting profession was that of a rock star! Despite witnessing first hand the caring and compassion my mother showed as a nurse, I chose to pursue biology/pre-med as my undergraduate major at the University of Cincinnati. After completing my first year, it finally hit me. My true calling was not in medicine, but was right before my eyes throughout my entire childhood- nursing! I yearned for the opportunity to truly care for patients and to make an impact on the health care system. After my transfer to nursing, I quickly realized my desire to work with women, especially during childbirth, as a Certified Nurse-Midwife. After investigating my options, I learned of an exceptional program at Vanderbilt University that combines both Nurse-Midwifery and Family Nurse Practitioner. I remember an informational packet I had received from Vanderbilt that I carried in my book bag my entire senior year. Upon completion of my undergraduate studies, I accepted a position as a labor and delivery nurse at The Ohio State University Medical Center. Being a large university based medical center, we cared for a variety of socioeconomic classes. It was through my job as a labor and delivery nurse that I first realized my long term career goal of caring for underserved pregnant teens. After two years working as a registered nurse, I followed my dream and began graduate school at Vanderbilt University with a Nurse-Midwifery/Family Nurse Practitioner focus.

I strongly believe that I can make a significant contribution to the profession of nursing through my work in a public health clinic utilized mainly by low income or teenage patients. My educational preparation as both a certified nurse-midwife and a family nurse practitioner will allow me to care not only for the pregnant patient, but the entire family unit, before, during and after birth. As a provider of comprehensive pre- and postnatal care, I hope to educate underprivileged mothers on health promoting behaviors to increase healthy pregnancy outcomes for the betterment of society. By providing continuous care, I hope to build strong relationships based on caring, understanding, and trust.


Cherlie Magny-Normilus

(2015-2016 Winner)

Recipient of the Miriam M. Powell Fellowship, is a Professor of Nursing at Regis College and Director of Policy and Advocacy for the Regis College Haiti Project. She is the recipient of awards from the W.K. Kel... read more.

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