PHOTO: Emily Trester

Emily Trester

Emily Trester, RN-BC, CCLS is the recipient of the Laura D. Smith NSNA Scholarship. Emily will complete her MSN Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care degree from Duke University in December 2019 and plans to continue with the program to complete her DNP degree. Emily earned a BA in Psychology from Colorado Christian University in 2004 prior to earning her BSN degree from Duke University in 2013. Throughout that time, Emily has been actively involved and dedicated to the field of pediatric healthcare. Prior to nursing, Emily worked as a Certified Child Life Specialist where she developed a passion for supporting children and families throughout their experiences with chronic illness and hospitalization. As a Registered Nurse, Emily continues her aim in promoting healthy psychosocial development and functioning among children and families to minimize the stress and trauma associated with healthcare experiences and to improve the overall patient experience. Emily looks forward to soon serving children and families as a primary care provider in her community.

Emily’s interests have led her to pursue specialized training in pediatric mental health. As a Pediatric Behavioral and Mental Health Specialist, Emily will be able to integrate behavioral and mental health services into the primary care model where she will soon practice as a nurse practitioner. Emily’s vision is to reduce stigma related to behavioral and mental health conditions, to improve the accessibility of mental health services for children and their families, and to support parents throughout the challenges of raising children who struggle with mental health conditions.

Emily also values the importance of improving the healthcare system at large through the role of educator and advocate. Currently, Emily enjoys precepting nursing students during their clinical rotations, serving on a work group dedicated to Human Trafficking Awareness, and serving as a guest speaker to undergraduate nursing students regarding the psychosocial care of hospitalized children. Emily is also currently involved in supporting nurses in their abilities to safely and effectively care for children who are admitted to the hospital with suicidal attempts or behavioral problems. Eventually, Emily would like to serve as a faculty member in the field of pediatric nursing while maintaining her clinical practice as a pediatric nurse practitioner.


Jessica Zemlak

(2020-2021 Winner)

Jessica Zemlak RN, MSN, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC is the recipient of the 2020 Cynthia Davis Sculco Scholarship. She is currently a second year PhD candidate at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. Jessica graduat... read more.

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