PHOTO: Faith Elise Metlock

Faith Elise Metlock

Faith Elise Metlock is the recipient of the Johnson & Johnson Edwidge Thomas Scholarship. Hailing from Cleveland, Ohio, she graduated Summa Cum Laude with Research Distinction from The Ohio State University College of Nursing, earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing with a minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Currently, Metlock is pursuing a PhD in Nursing at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing and a certificate in Health Disparities and Health Inequality at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Metlock is the Founder & CEO of Black Health Explained, a health marketing agency dedicated to developing tailored media solutions for engaging underrepresented communities in health initiatives. She is also the Founder and Executive Director of the Black Health Explained Foundation, a non-profit organization with the mission to promote healthy living through health literacy and diversify the healthcare workforce through targeted mentorship programs and educational resources.

Metlock’s passion for nursing was ignited during her undergraduate studies, where she recognized the critical need for preventative care and community engagement to address chronic health conditions that disproportionately burden marginalized groups. She was particularly curious about how social factors were impacting adults' ability to manage blood pressure and felt compelled to overcome barriers by bringing her nursing expertise directly to at-risk communities.

Metlock chose Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, one of the top nursing schools globally and a leader in education, recognized for its rigorous programs and distinguished faculty, to prepare her to become an exceptional nurse scientist. Her goal is to design and implement research studies that focus on advancing cardiovascular health equity. Metlock is interested in exploring how social determinants of health and psychological health impact the prevention and self-management of cardiovascular conditions in underserved groups and applying that knowledge towards developing culturally informed interventions.

An American Heart Association predoctoral fellow, Metlock is a member of several professional organizations, including the Preventative Cardiovascular Nurses Association, Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing, and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She has received awards for best poster presentations and outstanding graduate research assistant. At JHUSON, she served as President of the Black Student Nurses Association and Co-Social Chair for the PhD Student Organization. Currently, she serves on multiple committees, including the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and the Ethics Committee.

Metlock is deeply involved in community projects aimed at improving cardiovascular health awareness. She engages with the Baltimore community by providing weekly cardiovascular health screenings, including blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol checks, and conducting educational sessions on heart health. Metlock’s work is rooted in community-engaged research approaches, actively partnering with communities to learn and co-create sustainable solutions that address health inequities.

Receiving the NEF Scholarship helps Metlock achieve her goal of becoming a leading nurse scientist dedicated to advancing cardiovascular health equity. A PhD in Nursing Science will allow her to meaningfully work with communities and design solutions that meet their needs, leading to evidence-based sustainable efforts that will ultimately address health inequities and reduce health disparities.


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