Kelli Hardin

Kelli Hardin, a NEF Scholarship recipient, received her bachelor of nursing degree (BSN) from Kennesaw State University, Georgia. Following her graduation she worked as a registered nurse in the emergency department in a rural setting. Despite loving the fast pace she was distressed by the lack of primary care services provided to many of her emergency patients. She noted that the absence of primary care correlated with poor outcomes due to in part to home medication mismanagement and patient limited self care knowledge. This realization prompted her to pursue her MSN at the University of Alabama in Birmingham with the goal of practicing as a family nurse practitioner (FNP) focusing on patient education especially guiding patients’ in the benefits, risks, and side effects of all medications taken at home.


Jennifer Myers

(2023-2024 Winner)

Jennifer Myers, MSN, RN, CNE is a 2nd year Ph.D. candidate at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is the recipient of the Georgette Viellion Scholarship awarded to nurse educators or leaders with aspiration... read more.

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NEF’s only purpose is to provide nursing scholarship assistance to make graduate level nursing education possible. NEF is the largest, single, private, professionally endorsed source of funds for advanced nursing study with over one hundred years of service to and for professional nursing.

NEF’s Board of Directors is comprised of leaders from nursing, education, technology, and business communities. Members donate their time and talent to the advancement of the nursing profession. NEF operates with exceptionally low overhead. NEF employs only one individual who serves in several capacities. NEF is a non-profit organization with 501(c) status; thus, your contributions are fully tax-deductible.