Kelly Conway

NEF scholarship winner, Kelly Conway, received her BSN and her MA from the University of San Francisco. Kelly feels a DNP would provide an improved ability to effect needed change on nursing practice, health care and health policy. Working in homeless programs over the past 8 years has fostered one area of interest – the factors that contribute to a homeless veteran’s success or failure in transitional housing and permanent housing. She has participated in research studies data collection as it relates to the overall homeless programs and is responsible to disseminate that information to the non-profit community providers where she oversees the VA grant funds.


Carrie Deer

(2017-2018 Winner)

Recipient of the Nurses Educational Funds, Inc. scholarship, Carrie Deer serves as an adult psychiatric nurse practitioner for the Anderson Cherokee Community Enrichment Services (ACCESS) community mental healt... read more.

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NEF’s only purpose is to provide nursing scholarship assistance to make graduate level nursing education possible. NEF is the largest, single, private, professionally endorsed source of funds for advanced nursing study with over one hundred years of service to and for professional nursing.

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