Kevin R. Driscoll

Diversity adds spice to life, and Kevin Driscoll has embraced diversity and a commitment to a multidisciplinary education. Having traveled around the world Kevin credits his willingness to approach any subject with an open mind for his unique global experiences. Having completed his baccalaureate education at the University of Maryland School of Nursing he has since had the opportunity to assist with Tsunami Disaster Relief, work in a jungle HIV temple hospice, provide expert testimony on nurse education funding, and participate in the Sigma Theta Tau Omada Board Fellowship program.

Professionally, Kevin has practiced as a trauma and transplant Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) nurse at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Eager to learn more about the various dimensions of the critically ill patient he supplemented his experience as an Organ Recovery Coordinator with the Maryland Transplant Resource Center. From his critical care experience he states that "...a competent nurse at the bedside has the greatest impact to improve quality in our health care system. Vigilant nurses notice the subtle changes experienced by the critically ill patient and a perfect surgery can end in disaster if the patient is overlooked in the recovery phase. Nurses function as the nervous system of medicine and ensure that a multidisciplinary plan is carried out."

Coupling his experience and intrigue of Nursing's rich history as patient advocates, he has decided to continue his academic advancement at the University of Pennsylvania in the Nurse Anesthesia program. "I find it most fascinating aspect that the issues nurses have been championing for years are now becoming 'the' topic for improving our health care system; namely patient safety, quality clinical outcomes, as well as global and environmental health." He has chosen the University of Pennsylvania for it's multidisciplinary approach to education which he anticipates will supplement his interests in international health, systems management and the application of advanced technologies to prevent healthcare acquired infections.


Cristina de Rosa

(2023-2024 Winner)

Cristina de Rosa, MSN, RN, is the recipient of the Mathy Mezey Scholarship for geriatric nursing. Ms. de Rosa is a PhD candidate at the School of Nursing, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York... read more.

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