Lena Kruth

When I was in the 7th grade, I thought that I knew what I wanted to be - a doctor. It was the natural choice for a bright student who liked science and wanted to help people. I carried this dream with me to the University of Virginia where I majored in biology as a pre-med student. With just one year left until graduation, I took a class that required me to research what it actually meant to be an Ob/Gyn physician. Discovering facts like the average Ob/Gyn only spends 51.8% of her time caring for patients made me reconsider my goal (ACOG website).

That is when I starting looking into nursing. It seemed to be more involved with direct patient care and seemed to treat more than just an illness. Consequently, since that time, I have obtained my Bachelor's in Nursing and am currently pursuing my Master's, both from Virginia Commonwealth University. The more that I learn as a nursing student and the more that I work as an RN, the more I love this profession. Its empathetic and holistic philosophy resonates with my own worldview, and, as a result, it has allowed me to connect with people in a way that I do not think I could have as a physician.

Currently I am a nurse at Planned Parenthood, and everyday I that I work, I feel as though I make a difference. Soon, as a nurse practitioner, I will be able to do even more. My ambition is to improve the access and availability of health care for primarily Spanish-speaking patients. By achieving this, I will achieve what has been my goal throughout my circuitous educational career path: helping one person at a time to make this world a better place.


Carolina M. Gustafson

(2021-2022 Winner)

Carolina M. Gustafson, a current fourth year PhD student in nursing at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University, is the 2021-2022 recipient of the NEF Margaret Gould Tyson Scholarship. Ca... read more.

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NEF’s only purpose is to provide nursing scholarship assistance to make graduate level nursing education possible. NEF is the largest, single, private, professionally endorsed source of funds for advanced nursing study with over one hundred years of service to and for professional nursing.

NEF’s Board of Directors is comprised of leaders from nursing, education, technology, and business communities. Members donate their time and talent to the advancement of the nursing profession. NEF operates with exceptionally low overhead. NEF employs only one individual who serves in several capacities. NEF is a non-profit organization with 501(c) status; thus, your contributions are fully tax-deductible.