Lisa P. Viveiros

My name is Lisa Viveiros. I am a registered nurse currently at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Massachusetts. In addition to working full-time, I am seeking a Master of Science in Nursing at the University of Massachusetts, Boston; the Family Nurse Practitioner program being my specialty. My interests include primary healthcare, minority & women's health issues, as well as post-operative surgical care with a growing interest in cardiac medicine. Over the years, I have worked in Thoracic post-surgery, Obstetric float pool, and in ambulatory. These experiences have expanded upon my nursing knowledge and influenced my personal health related interests. My work experience at BWH and MGH have heigthend my awareness of the healthcare disparities confronting minority groups in the Boston area. The World Health Organization (WHO) has placed highest priority in resolving the healthcare disparities encountered by minority groups on a global level.

As recent Albert Schweitzer Fellow of Boston 2004-2005, I dedicated my community service project to childbirth education and breastfeeding support for Spanish-speaking women at Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center (SJPHC). SJPHC provides healthcare services to a patient population that is about 60-70% Spanish speaking. SJPHC offers many healthcare services: adult medicine, diabetes education, family planning, women's health, pediatrics, and mental health. Although the health center has extensive resources for underserved patients, a lack of education materials for Spanish speaking women was noted. As a healthcare professional, my personal goal has been to use my language abilities to help minority groups in need. After the completion of my Family Nurse Practitioner degree, I plan to seek a career in a healthcare setting serving Spanish-speaking patient populations.

As a recent Sigma Theta Tau inductee, I plan to utilize the organization's resources and notoriety to aid in the advancement of the nursing profession. Sigma Theta Tau brings together individuals striving for the advancement of the nursing profession and knowledge. Joining the ideas of nursing scholars looking to enhance healthcare for future generations will allow the nursing profession to flourish.


Kristen Selig

(2017-2018 Winner)

Winner of the Mathy Mezey Scholarship, Kristen is currently enrolled in the PhD program at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. The Mathy Mezey Scholarship is dedicated to nurses engaged in graduate geriatric... read more.

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