PHOTO: Louise Fleming

Louise Fleming

The Cynthia Davis Sculco Scholarship winner, is a fourth year PhD nursing student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she is currently a teaching fellow. Prior to beginning her PhD in nursing studies she received a Masters Degree in Nursing Education from Duke University. From 2008-2012 she was a UNC Chapel Hill Clinical Assistant Professor, teaching primarily in the undergraduate program. In 2011, Ms. Fleming was awarded the UNC Hospitals Faculty Member of the Year Award and she published her masters research project – an investigation of caregiver knowledge and self-confidence related to stress dosing of hydrocortisone in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Her dissertation research is aimed at further understanding the challenges and needs of families with children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) with a long-term goal of developing nursing interventions that will improve parent preparedness to manage adrenal crisis through providing a systemic and detailed emergency education plan for providers to review with parents at scheduled well-child check-ups. Ms. Fleming believes that such interventions have strong potential to prepare and empower parents of children with chronic, but stable, life threatening conditions, to handle episodic crises. In addition to her current teaching and doctoral responsibilities she enjoys raising her three children with her husband and traveling around the southeast to see her children’s soccer games. Ms. Fleming plans to graduate in May of 2016.


Mobolaji Odewole

(2023-2024 Winner)

Mobolaji “Mobo” Odewole, MPH, MS, NP, RN, is the gracious and honored recipient of Columbia University – Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association Inc./J. Margaret Ada Mutch Scholarship. Mr. Od... read more.

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