PHOTO: Michelle G. Glowny

Michelle G. Glowny

Recipient of the Judith G. Whitaker Fund for doctoral study in research, Ms. Glowny is a staff nurse at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA where she has enjoyed a comprehensive career in Cardiovascular Nursing for the past 20 years working in direct patient care, clinical education, administration, and quality. Prior to her nursing career, she worked as a research technologist in a basic research laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital.

The NEF, Inc. funding will support her in her final year of doctoral education, where she will focus on research for her dissertation in the area of Cardiovascular Genetics, conducting a study of engagement in family screening for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Member of International Society for Nurses in Genetics, Eastern Nursing Research Society, Sigma Theta Tau International, and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses. Recipient of the Genevieve Hope Blaney Award from Gretchen Stone Cook Foundation (2014), and the Mary Lou Moore Scholarship in Nursing (2015) from BWH.

Active in the Boston Cardiovascular Nursing Committee for the AHA, and chair of the planning committee for the 25th Boston Conference in Cardiovascular Nursing held in April 2015.

Ms. Glowny received her Bachelors of Science degree in Biology from Stonehill College, her certificate and Masters of Science degree in Nursing from Yale University, and is currently a PhD candidate in Nursing at the University of Massachusetts at Worcester. Ms. Glowny plans to use her dissertation work as a foundation to build a program of nursing research to study how genetic and genomic technologies impact patients and their families and also teach in an academic setting.


Karen Grace

(2016-2017 Winner)

Recipient of the Cynthia Davis Sculco Scholarship, Ms. Grace is a Certified Nurse-Midwife at Mary’s Center in Washington, DC, an Adjunct Faculty member at Georgetown University, and a PhD student at Johns Hopki... read more.

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