PHOTO: Nancy Roecklein

Nancy Roecklein

Nancy Roecklin, winner of the Judith Whittaker Scholarship, is also a two-time winner. Nancy’s initial career path was in journalism and she earned a Journalism BA from NYU In 1987. She changed career paths in 1994 when she acquired an associate of arts and science degree in nursing from Bronx Community College.  She continued with graduate education and was awarded a MS in nursing from NYU in 2007. Currently she is completing a PhD program at CUNY where her research interest is breast cancer survivorship. Nancy is a published author and has been a poster presenter at national nursing conferences. She is an active member of professional organizations including the Oncology Nursing Society and Sigma Theta Tau International. This Jonas Leader Scholar is actively engaged in the New York State Action Coalition and has hosted networking events for nurses in New York City.  Nancy has received both financial and professional support, as she has pursued her professional goals and she is committed to giving back to the nursing profession by providing financial and professional support to other nurses as they seek the benefits of graduate nursing education.


Jamal Norman

(2011-2012 Winner)

Winner of the Lucy Perry scholarship, Jamal Norman, started her nursing career after she received her baccalaureate degree from the University of Central Arkansas. She worked as a labor and delivery nurse in Lo... read more.

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