PHOTO: Noelene Jeffers

Noelene Jeffers

Noelene K. Jeffers, CNM, MSN, is the recipient of the Cynthia Davis Sculco Scholarship. She is currently a third year PhD Candidate and a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholar at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. Noelene received her Bachelor’s of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and her Master’s of Science in Nursing from Yale University School of Nursing. She has been a nurse-midwife for over 7 years and has worked mainly in federally qualified health centers providing full scope midwifery care for low-income women in Washington, DC.

Noelene is led by a vision in which mothers and babies of color survive and thrive in pregnancy, childbirth, and the first year of life. This vision drove her to begin her graduate education in nursing and nurse-midwifery ten years ago and to work with underserved communities. This vision continues to propel Noelene forward in her professional work and in her doctoral studies.

Noelene is a member of the American College of Nurse Midwives, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), the National Black Nurses Association and the National League for Nursing (NLN). She is an adjunct faculty member at Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies in the Midwifery/Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Program. She enjoys working with students and endeavors to become a skilled nurse educator that prepares nurses and nurse-midwives who are equipped to tackle the pressing maternal-infant health issues of our time.

Her dissertation study is entitled “Maternal-Infant Health Outcomes, Risk and Resiliency following Hurricanes Irma and Maria in the U.S. Virgin Islands.” Her research interests include maternal-infant health, health disparities, and humanitarian emergencies. Upon completion of her PhD, Noelene is looking forward to transitioning into a nurse scientist role in a school of nursing. Her ultimate goal is to become a nurse scientist who combines research, teaching, public advocacy and volunteering in service to the vision of maternal-infant health equity.

Noelene lives in Washington, DC with her husband.


Priscilla Hall

(2012-2013 Winner)

Priscilla Hall, winner of the Judith Whittaker scholarship, is pursuing her doctorate at Emery University where her area of interest is the stress response of women during labor, especially as it relates to the... read more.

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