PHOTO: Renee Byfield

Renee Byfield

C. Renée Byfield, MS, RN, FNP is the honored recipient of the Dr. M. Elizabeth Carnegie African American Scholarship. Renee is a PhD student at Emory University and a National Institute of Health T32 Pre-Doctoral Scholar. Her research focuses on using data science and health information technology to mitigate obstetric violence. She received a Master's of Science, Family Nurse Practitioner degree from Pace University and a Bachelor’s in nursing from Lehman College.

At age 4, Renee’s elder sister succumbed to third-degree burns from a kitchen fire. From this tragedy, the compassionate care provided by the nurses inspired her mother, whose determination in turn inspired both her and another sibling to pursue nursing careers. In this adversity, her family's journey towards the nursing profession was not just a personal pursuit but a collective commitment to make a difference. Renee chose Emory’s PhD in Nursing program for its distinguished reputation and interdisciplinary approach to learning. In addition, Emory’s renowned faculty, commitment to addressing social determinants/drivers of health, support for research aimed at mitigating maternal health inequities, and the resources available through the NIH/NIHR T32 Pre-Doctoral Training provide unparalleled opportunities for innovative research and professional growth.

Renee is the Program Director and co-author of the Institute for Perinatal Quality Improvement’s SPEAK UP Against Racism Program, a groundbreaking national perinatal equity curriculum and cultural change paradigm to accelerate the elimination of perinatal disparities by addressing the maternal mortality crisis. This program has reached thousands of perinatal professionals in 42 states resulting in greater collaboration between local and state governments, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions. With a career encompassing academia, hospital, and ambulatory settings, she has made significant contributions to institutions including Drexel University as Clinical Assistant Professor teaching baccalaureate and masters level courses; the Association of Women’s Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses as Program Manager of internationally recognized perinatal and neonatal programs; NYP – Weill Cornell as Perinatal Safety Administrator launching team training and in-situ interdisciplinary simulation drills; and Kaiser Permanente GA as OB/GYN, Urogynecology, Quality and Education Nurse Manager where she launched the Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) clinic. Renee is slated for induction as a Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing in Fall 2024.

Renee’s doctoral degree will create opportunities for advanced research and leadership roles. It will enable her to contribute significantly to academic and clinical advancements, particularly in the areas of maternal mortality and morbidity. Ultimately, she aims to influence policy changes and continue to work towards improving maternal and neonatal health outcomes on a national scale, ensuring equitable care for all mothers and families.

As a PhD student at Emory University, the Dr. M. Elizabeth Carnegie African American Scholarship will greatly support Renee’s academic and professional journey. It is especially meaningful to her that the scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Carnegie, whose trailblazing work and pioneering efforts to break down racial barriers will inspire and guide her aspirations. She is committed to upholding Dr. Carnegie's legacy by striving for excellence in her studies and future contributions to nursing.


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(2015-2016 Winner)

Recipient of the Henry Spencer Scholarship, is a public health nurse and PhD student at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in Baltimore. She earned her Master of Science in Advanced Practice Public Health Nursing... read more.

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