Sarah A. Johnson

The majority of my nursing experience is in emergency and perianesthesia nursing. My undergraduate degrees are from Augusta State University (AAS) and the Medical College of Georgia (BSN) in Augusta, Georgia. My Master of Science in Nursing degree is from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) (Charleston). I am a currently a PhD student at MUSC with the hope of teaching clinical nursing at some point in the future, in addition to pursuing nursing research. Further, it is my hope to teach nursing history. It is my hope that the continued study of nursing history will inspire future generations of nurses to explore nursing history as a foundation for solving contemporary problems in the nursing profession. I am inspired by the strength of nursing pioneers who have improved the state of health both in America and globally, enduring all forms of oppression over time. I am a member of the American Association for the History of Nursing (AAHN) and the American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM).


Sarah Sakala

(2019-2020 Winner)

Sarah Sakala, BSN, RN is the 2019 recipient of the Laura D. Smith National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) Scholarship. She earned a BA in illustration from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2007 and a BS... read more.

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