Doctoral Nursing Student Is The First Recipient Of The NEF Board Member, Cynthia Davis Sculco, Scholarship - Louise Fleming, MSN, RN

I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere thanks for making it possible for me to be a recipient of the Cynthia Davis Sculco Scholarship for the 2015-2016 school year at the University of North Carolima – Chapel Hill. This generous award means a great deal to me as I begin my fourth year as a PhD in Nursing student.

My previous years in this program have gone very well, and I am pleased to say that this funding will help me tremendously in my final year. I plan to travel to Odense, Denmark in August to present my work on the challenges associated with researching families having a child with a rare disease at the International Family Nursing Association’s 12th bi-annual conference. Furthermore, I have recently submitted an abstract to the National Institue of Nursing Research’s Scientific Symposium with the hopes of doing a poster presentation at their 2015 conference in Washington, DC this fall. Finally, I begin rrecruitment for my dissertation study entitled Parental Management of Adrenal Crisis in Children with Congential Adrenal Hyperplasia this summer, and this funding will help a great deal with the necessary transcription expenses.

Having a family with three small cildrren, financial concern is constantly present. This generous scholarship has helped tremendously, and I thank the Nurses Educational Funds, Inc. for its generosity. I can assure you that I will work diligently as I continue to pursue my PhD and will consistently strive to develop research that will make the lives of families with children that suffer from complex, life-threatening disorders more manageable.


Tara O’Brien

(2011-2012 Winner)

Barclay scholarship winner Tara O’Brien combined her BSN in Nursing with a minor in Psychology from Ohio University. Her nursing career has been a diverse one, including staff nurse, case manager and nurse educ... read more.

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