I am a Registered Nurse and Nurse-Midwfery/ Nurse Practitioner student living in New York City. I am a student at Frontier Nursing University. In mid-March, I was told by the hospital where I was assigned for my clinical rotations in the Bronx, were no longer allowing student clinical rotations. I was only 14 births away from graduating. With that news, I decided to switch from a part-time schedule to a full time schedule at my RN position at Planned Parenthood, but I was furloughed 2 weeks later.
I have been living in New York City for 10 years, and I wanted to help out with the health crisis going on in my home city, especially since we are the most hard-hit by the pandemic. I took a RN position working at the Javits Center Medical Station, working alongside the US military. This is a large convention center (it hosts the famous NYC ComicCon!) that they have turned into a makeshift hospital to take the COVID-19 patient overflow from all of the NYC area hospitals.
I love the nursing work and direct patient care that I provide and the team that I work with, although the emotional and physical toll can be challenging at times. I am living alone in a hotel in order to prevent my loved ones from getting sick and I work overtime every week. I know that what I am doing is important and meaningful, and I will continue to do it as long as I am able to, until hopefully the virus is under control and we can go back to normal. I try to be brave every single day.
(2013-2014 Winner)
Mary Kellar Lambert, winner of the American Journal of Nursing Scholarship is currently studying for her Masters in Nurse Anesthesia at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro’s Wake Forest Baptist Healt... read more.
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