PHOTO: Francine Bono-Neri

Francine Bono-Neri

Francine Bono-Neri is the recipient of the 2019 Jane Eleanor Knox Scholarship. Francine earned her BSN in 1992 from Adelphi University, after which she began her nursing career as a PICU staff nurse. Falling in love with pediatrics and the ICU, Francine decided to advance her career. In 1997, she graduated cum laude from New York University, earning her MA and title as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Francine worked her entire career in pediatric critical care, until her transition into academia occurred in 2015.

In academia Francine has had a well rounded experience that includes adjunct nursing faculty for baccalaureate programs, Kaplan Nursing Faculty of NCLEX-RN preparatory classes for students seeking initial RN licensure, and nursing program Founding Chair and Director. In addition, Francine serves on the Board of Trustees for NYSMDA, acting as a consultant for curriculum development and design, maintenance of organizational infrastructure, and policy development and modification.

Ms Bono-Neri is involved with numerous professional organizations. She is a member of the 2018-2020 American Nurses Association-NY (ANA-NY) Board of Directors, serving as a Director-at-Large, as well as board liaison to both the Legislation and Membership Committees. In addition, she is a member of the 2018-2020 board of the Long Island Chapter of NAPNAP. Furthermore, Francine was inducted as an Associate Member into the New York Academy of Medicine and, likewise, as a Nurse Leader into Sigma Theta Tau International.

In addition to serving the nursing profession, Francine is actively engaged in serving her local school district and community, as well. She has served on her children’s elementary school PTA board for 8 years in the capacity as both Vice President and President. She has worked closely with the Superintendent, Board of Education, and school principals to implement various events and programs, helping to enrich the students’ educational journeys. Francine has organized numerous, large-scale fundraisers for community members to help alleviate financial burdens secondary to life-altering events. For her efforts, Francine was recognized as a Founder’s Day honoree and was awarded a Nassau County Legislature Citation for her extraordinary efforts in serving the students and members of her hometown community.

Pediatrics and academia remain her current and future sources for her scholarly work. A PhD candidate at Molloy College, Francine is in a program with emphasis on health policy, leadership, research and education, all of which align with her goals to become a nurse scientist, health policy advocate, leader, and academician. She is a published author, and her podium and poster presentations are dedicated to her research and advocacy efforts surrounding the topic of Infant Safe Sleep, SUID and SIDS. She is engaged in health policy and the political arena on both state and national levels. Her collaborative work with Sen. Bob Casey’s (D-PA) staff and a national safe sleep initiative are helping to raise awareness and put forth preventative measures for this vulnerable infant population to reduce sleep-related deaths. It is her hope that she can greatly impact heath policy and these staggering SUID numbers through her future research endeavors.


We are Nurses

Year of 2020, Year of the Nurse, Year of celebration;
Dedicated, diligent, determined; we are nurses.
Florence Nightingale the founder, lady with the lamp, exemplar of the profession;
Quintessential, paradigmatic, influential; we are nurses.
Nurses today, leading the way, excelling in practice;
Professionals, catalysts, pillars; we are nurses.
Advancing roles, yielding innovations, improving outcomes;
Diversified, knowledgeable, dynamic; we are nurses.
COVID-19, global pandemic, unprecedented event;
Weary, weighted, worn; we are nurses.
Upheaval on units, dismay on floors, work on overload;
Heavy-hearted, grief-stricken, low-spirited; we are nurses.
At the front line, at the board table, behind the scenes;
Advocating, championing, teaching; we are nurses.
Working as a team, supporting a colleague, forging a new way;
Unbreakable, unbeaten, unmoved; we are nurses.
Although unknown, although undetermined, although unrevealed;
Pioneer, inspire, propel; we are nurses.
Celebrate the week, celebrate the year, celebrate the role;
Proud, accomplished, empowered; we are nurses.
We will prevail, we will triumph, we will overcome;
Serving all those in need because we are nurses.



In 2021 Francine Bono-Neri was selected to participate in AACN's Graduate Nursing Student Academy's (GNSA) Digital Innovators Program with the culmination resulting in a presentation in Washington, D.C. in August. 

In addition she is the current President-Elect of the Long Island Chapter of NAPNAP, as well as an election candidate for NAPNAP (national) to be a member of the Nominations Committee.

Francine notes that she remains eternally grateful to NEF for the 2019-2020 Jane Eleanor Knox Scholarship and earning the privilege to be a part of the NEF Circle of Scholars.


Mary Ashong

(2017-2018 Winner)

Mary is the recipient of the Nurses Educational Funds, Inc. Evelyn J. Barclay Fund Scholarship. After spending many years raising a family, Mary was drawn to the nursing field by some touching experiences she e... read more.

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